kolmapäev, 3. detsember 2008

Mõned üllatused täna... Seoses hiljutiarvustatud filmiga...

Teiseks üllatuseks oli see, et minuga hakkas MSN'is suhtlema inimene, kellest ma polnud juba üle poole aasta ühtki sõna kuulnud. Siinkohas tervitused Kizzu'le ja ma tõesti loodan, et sul läheb kõik hästi.

Esimene üllatus oli aga seotud esimese filmiga, mida ma tänu Montonile vaatamas käisin ja mõned päevad tagasi ka arvustasin.

Nagu ma mainisin, oli linastusel kohal ka filmi režissöör, kellele publik sai pärast filmi küsimusi esitada. Ise pole ma küll eriti aktiivne küsimuste esitaja, kuid mind huvitasid mõned vastused, mida Ole Schell seal andis.

Siiski jäi üks küsimus ka pärast KUMU'st lahkumist kummitama ja koju jõudes võtsin ette väikese uuringu internetis. Aega võttis, aga asja sai. Ühel hetkel avastasin, et leidsin aadressi, kust sain otse kirjutada "Picture Me: A Model's Diary" peategelasele Sara Ziffile.

Saatsin talle siis kirja selle küsimusega, mis mind huvitas, kuigi erilist lootust temalt vastust saada ei olnud - eelarvamused olid igatahes päris suured. Aga nüüd - kolm ja pool päeva hiljem oligi vastus postkastis. Lisan selle siia koos enda kirjaga (inglise filoloogidel paluks soovitused-parandused minu keeleoskuse kohta postkasti :P ):

"Picture me: A Model's Diary..." in festival and so on
Between Sara Ziff and You

W Hocares
November 29 at 6:59pm


Probably there are thousands of people - your fans - writing to you and hoping to get an answer. Maybe I'm another dreamer as well. Yet it's not the relationship I'm interested in :)

We have a little film-festival here in our country, and one of our fashion brands presented second year in a row some special films connected with fashion. And that brand offered a chance to three blog-writers to write reviews about movies they saw. My first one was "Picture Me: A Model's Diary".

I have to say honestly - I'm as far from fashion as anyone can be, but I needed a way to advertise one of my story-characters (a dwarf called Paul) blog, so I put up my candidacy, and somehow I got to the top 3. So I went there. And watched. And it seemed quite interesting. There will be pretty fine review - actually it's written already:) But I write to You for another reason.

Ole was here as well, and when that movie ended, the audience was given a chance to ask questions. He answered fine. But there was one question he wasn't the best person to answer.

One young man asked: if there would be a great offer (he meant from some designer or company), would You return to that life You turned away at the end of the movie and leave your studies behind or not?

Ole answered how he could, but I think there are none better to know You than You, Sara.

So I decided to ask from You. I'm not a journalist trying to get a free interview, I'm just a usual person from the crowd who tries to work himself up through blogs.

If You could answer that question, I would be very grateful.

I wish You the best in Your studies (I used to study Estonian philology, so I know how it's like) and that everything works out as You hope.

Paul (the dwarf) aka
W. Hocares (my blog name)

Sara Ziff
December 2 at 8:56pm

Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for watching the movie. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

To answer your question, I actually still take modeling jobs occasionally to pay my tuition, but my primary focus these days is school. I have about a year left before I finish my degree, so no, I would not abandon my studies - I'm enjoying it too much! As for the frantic pace of my old lifestyle, I'm happy to leave that behind. It's not black and white to me - the industry is not all good or bad, but right now I'm excited to have the chance to study with great professors, get to know fellow students, and develop my own ideas about the world.

Hope this helps. Thanks again, and good luck with your blog!



PS Tegelikult on internet ikka täiesti lahe koht, kus saab kõiksugu inimesi kätte:D

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